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Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.
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Our offices
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic.
908 Broadway,
San Francisco,
CA 94133
9AM - 3PM, Mon to Fri
01 (650) 658 6822
What we are best at

Our Services

Amanda Peterson
01 (650) 658 6823
Jason Smith
01 (650) 658 6824
Michael Fassbender
Design Director
01 (650) 658 6825
Grow your business.
Yamini Spa, located in the bustling Kailash Colony area of Delhi, offers a perfect blend of luxury and convenience. Our spa is situated just a short walk from the Metro Station, making it easy for you to enjoy our top-notch services without the hassle of long commutes.

We offer a diverse range of body massage services designed to provide relaxation and relief from stress. Whether you’re interested in a gentle Swedish massage, a deep tissue therapy to target specific areas, or a calming aromatherapy session, our skilled therapists are here to deliver an exceptional experience tailored to your needs.Affordability is a key aspect of our service.

At Yamini Massage Spa in Kailash Colony Delhi, we believe that high-quality relaxation shouldn’t come with a hefty price tag. Our competitive pricing ensures that you receive premium service at a cost that offers great value. Enjoy a luxurious spa experience that fits within your budget.

Our convenient location in Kailash Colony, near the Metro Station, means you can easily incorporate a visit to our spa into your busy schedule. Whether you’re looking for a quick escape or a longer relaxation session, we’re here to provide a seamless experience.

To book your appointment or get more information, reach out to us at +91 9266861576 or Our dedicated team is available to assist with any questions and ensure your visit is as enjoyable and relaxing as possible. Experience the ultimate in spa luxury at Yamini Spa. We look forward to your visit!
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